Sunday, March 13, 2011

Catfish & potato chips...Oh My!!

We had some catfish nuggets sitting in the freezer for the longest time and decided to actually eat some of it.  I wanted to fry it, but didn't have some of the common ingredients at hand and had no desire to go out and get them.  So we improvised with potato chips.  Making an egg wash by mixing a little milk with some eggs somewhat recently laid by The Girl, I crunched up the potato chips, dipped the cat fish in the egg wash then the chips ad into the pan they went.

They came out looking quite pretty and had a nice taste to them.  The thing about catfish is that, when cooked right, they are very tender and practically melt with each bite.  And as per tradition with anytime something is fired, the leftover egg wash gets mixed with the leftover breading (potato chips) and fried up into (what my sisters would call it) Puffy Things...Yum!

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