Here I am, bask in my glory, mwahaha...Enough of that, let me
introduce everyone else.
Tom with Tikaani |
The Hubby:
My fiance and a wonderful guy (don't tell him that though or it'll go to his head). We've been together since 2006, and I don't know where I would be without him. Pretty handy, he has not only fixed my car a few times but also did most of the major work on our house and practically rebuilt the bathroom single handed.
Safyre |
The oldest of our furkids, born September 9th 1999 she has been through a lot with me. She is currently enjoying life sitting on a window sill and demanding attention. Sadly, Safyre passed away on December 2012.
Dash, Rhacodactylus Leachianus |
The Herps:
We currently have quite a few geckos, mostly Rhacodactylus types, and have designated the second bedroom for them. Even though we have mostly Crested geckos, my personal favorite is the Leachie (which are also the most expensive). To learn more and follow updates about the herps, be sure to check out their website: LateNightGeckos
The Girls |
The Girls:
We also care for some hens and have dubbed them all "The Girls". We keep them for the eggs and entertainment, they are quite intelligent and always fun to watch. Everyone should experience the joy having chickens.

The Rabbits:
Our goal has been to become more self sufficient and rely less on commercial foods, so being that suburban living does have its limits, rabbit makes for a good option for home raised meat. Currently, we care for New Zealand Red, Californian, and Rex for meat as well as have an Angora for fiber.