Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tikaani' First Obedience Match

Today I took Tikaani to his first Obedience match.  A match is kind of like a test run get the dog used to performing in a competitive setting, while a trial is when you actually compete, getting scored and earning titles.  This match allowed the use of treats and toys during a routine, which I took advantage of

I entered at the Pre-Novice level, and even though I entered for one round, we got to go a second time since there was extra time.  The judge is actually the instructor of the Obedience classes that I take the pups to. 


The video only covers the first part of the routine.  Starting off with heeling, he kept his focus on me, which I thought would be the hardest thing.  The big issue was the stand/stay, as I am still teaching Tikaani to do what they call a Kick Back and also have to get used to giving him a wider girth when going around him.  A Kick Back is when the dogs back legs step backwards to keep the body from being scrunched up and to give them a more solid stand.  You can see during the second stand/stay how scrunched he is, compared to the first wen he corrects himself.  When going around him the fist time, I brushed his tail causing him to move.

During the second part, that was not recorded, we had to do a group sit/stay and down/stay.  Tikaani broke his down once,  which was pretty good especially since the dogs on both sides of him kept getting up.  After we finished, we hung around to observe the Open and Utility levels.  It was amazing to see the techniques taught to compete in those levels.  

Overall, it was a sunny fun filled day.  Going to go find more matches to sign up for so we can gain even more practice. 

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