Wednesday, May 28, 2014

First CSA Pick Up

This year, we opted to sign up for a partial share with a local CSA.  CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, where local residents pay in for a share at a nearby farm and in return will receive a portion of produce weekly or bi-weekly.  We've opted to go for a bi-weekly share, a more affordable means to test try a specific farm.

CSA is a great way to not only support local farms but also gives the member an opportunity to enjoy produce that wouldn't normally be available at the grocer.  In some cases, such as the CSA we signed up for, the produce with also be organically grown thus eliminating the ingestion of harmful chemicals. 

This pick up included (from left to right): A bushel of hakurei turnips, a head of lettuce, 12oz of swiss chards, 8oz of kale, 6oz of arugula, and a bushel of chives.

So excited and can't wait to try out some recipes on these veggies. 

Beach Hiking

With warm weather comes the ticks, and this year is looking to be a terrible one fill with these nasty little buggers.  In order to keep our exposure to ticks as minimal as possible, we will switch our hiking location to this beautiful beach that is one of a few which are dog friendly.  Part of the beauty of the warm weather is being able to enjoy the cool ocean water without freezing to death and Titan, often overheating and needing many breaks during our last few wood hikes, is finding these outings to be enjoyable again.

The amazing thing about the beach is the diverse wildlife it has, between the mammals, birds, and sea life you never know what you will find during a visit.  Below is some video and pictures of a few of the wildlife spotted during our hikes.

Tikaani and Miyu find the dead horseshoe crab shell to smell quite interesting.

Tetsu watching the horseshoe crab swim away

Horseshoe crab


Titan also found us a live jellyfish, silly boy wanted to sniff it but unfortunately he can't breath in the water.


Under part of the boardwalk a local fox had a litter, the parents stayed pretty close as we passed by with the dogs.

Such a cute little kit

Pictures of the pups enjoying the sand and water:

Stay tuned for future pictures and videos of our fun on the beach.