Monday, February 16, 2015

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Collected this egg while tending to the chickens today, an egg that has cracked from being frozen. We may not get as cold as other places in the world, but last night was the coldest night in our area this season.  3F degrees, with a windchill making it feel like -15, this was not a night you'd want to spend outside.

At a warm 15F degrees currently, let's see what happens when we crack open this egg:

Well at least Tetsu got to enjoy a slushy snack

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Spring Gardening has Begun

Even though it is still cold outside and everything is frozen, that shouldn't stop anyone from getting an early start to the gardening season.  By this I mean sprouting seeds and growing seedlings indoors until the outside weather is warm enough for the plants to survive in. 

Today's seeds are: American Flag Leeks, Green Globe Artichoke, Walla Walla Onions, and Mary Washington Asparagus. I have begun the germination process by placing the seeds between moistened paper towel and leaving in a ziplock bag in the sun.  In 2-3 days we should see some growth and the sprouts can be moved into soil.  In about 2 weeks, I can start sprouting the rest of the plants that can be started indoors. 

Other plants that I plan to grow this year are carrots, cauliflower, chard, corn, delicata squash, ground cherry, peas, pumpkin, spinach,tomatoes, watermelon, and zucchini.  Hoping for a very bountiful year and plenty of food to practice various preserving methods with, most specifically dehydrating and canning. 

Winter Happenings So Far

Been some time since an update, so here is what has happened so far in a nut shell, with lots of pics and video.

So far this year, Titan has run a total of about 31 miles this season.  Right now the ground is covered in ice and snow, things that don't go well with a bike.  So since I don't have anything useable for the snow, running Titan is on hold until the snow melts away.  At the very least he gets to enjoy hiking the woods and playing with the other dogs.

Have also introduced Titan to Weight Pull, took him to a seminar where he got to experience pulling the cart, and later he (and Tetsu) attended a Weight Pull Fun Match.  At the Fun Match, Titan won first place in his class pulling a total of 663lbs.  I plan to sign him up for some classes and enter Titan in some trials.  In this video, Titan crosses the finish line at the Weight Pull Fun Match.

For the most part, we did lots and lots of hiking.  Didn't see as many deer this winter as last, but did get a few close calls with some turkeys and watched a few hawks.  Quite a few mishaps with off leash dogs and irresponsible owners, can't wait to move an area where we aren't bumping into these (or any) kind of people as much.  Regardless, it's nice to be out in the woods, it's a great place to meditate about life and the world. 

On the homestead front, the chickens haven't stopped laying eggs causing us to consistently have at least 3 dozen eggs in the fridge.  It's nice to have eggs for breakfast, but even daily consumption doesn't make much of a dent. I have begun to breed the rabbits again, with winter almost over it is time to start getting some more meat in the freezer.  Practiced egg tanning the pelts from previous litters, so far they have come out great and I plan to post a short tutorial once I have the perfected the process.  With these pelts, I hope to make a trapper's hat and a belt pouch out of them.

I have started up crafting and art again, I almost forgot how much I enjoy making things.  In the greater scheme of things, I would like to build up an inventory of items I or other local artisans have made and sell them both online and at events.  I have been working on a website and facebook page, and will reveal them as soon as I have finished.  For now, here is a happy little snowman in a bottle that I made, wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

That is all that I can think of for now in regards to what has been done this winter.  Plenty of future plans to think about and lots more to do.