Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bikejoring: Tikaani and Titan Together

This pic was taken in the yard and not during today's run

As an experiment, I wanted to try both huskies together and see what happens when I run them together.  The results were quite interesting and I've learned a few things about them both.

Tikaani is good at listening to commands, having a decent amount of obedience training under his belt, which makes him somewhat easier to control.  But since he's been so used to stopping to sniff and mark every few feet whenever we took him into the woods, it was pretty hard (and frustrating) getting him to just focus on running.

Titan on the other hand, loves to run and keep going.  He's gotten better with ignoring distractions, aside for the random person or dog which are rare occurrences (rant coming later on).  He has a lot of energy and still learning the commands, been doing some obedience on the side to help boost his listening skills (which he's doing great with, btw).

Taken in the yard and not during today's run
So I opted to try and see if their strengths can counter balance the others weaknesses.   And well, I was quite surprised and somewhat pleased with the results.  When we first started up, we had a few tangles as both pups had to get used to being tethered together and wearing a neckline.  I used a neckline that I made and was modified to have a bungee inside it, so allow for the two to have more space between each other should they need it while also keeping them from getting a foot caught in it. Found that they didn't really need the extra room as they stayed pretty closed together for the most part.  I've also learned that Tikaani has a preference to being on the right side of  Titan, so switching the two made the tangling go away. 

Took a little bit to get to the trail head, the parking area by the trail wasn't plowed so I had to find a spot further up.  Wound up flipping over a few times to the trail head as the bike really doesn't like it when the snow is thicker than an inch. Once we reached the trail, they really started going and the snow wasn't that thick.  Titan's desire to run counteracted Tikaani's desire to sniff, in the video you can see Tikaani try to sniff and Titan pull hi back onto the trail.  There was a few times when something got both their nose and I had to get off of the bike to drag them back on the trail, but it wasn't that bad.

One of the biggest things I need to work on is passing people and their dogs, which have been a rare and annoying occurrence since they tend to chase us down to ask questions or try to interact in various ways, so the dogs have gotten inadvertently reinforced to stop and greet.  Had that today as someone came driving by, honking their car horn, and trying to show off the husky they had in the car with them.  Definitely would love to get both huskies some controlled practice with people and dog distractions, just need to find some volunteers.

After that it was a little harder to control them as they both wanted to follow the car and the dog inside it.  Luckily, we were right by the car so I just walked them both instead.  Overall, it turned out better than I thought, especially since I was expecting to be chasing after a bike being dragged by two dogs.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bikejoring: Titan Round 6

Lessons learned this time:

  • I hate my bike, especially when going uphill.  Really need to get it looked at to see if there's a way to fix it.
  • Titan will not run on ice and will try to find a way around it instead, which can be both a good thing and bad thing.
  • If I'm going to "park" a bike that is hooked to a dog to take a few pictures, make sure that the ground is not a sheet of ice and by the trail head where the running begins. Titan was very much ready to go again.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year and Future Goals

Partying on New Year's Eve

With this new year, I hope to work on several goals that I've been aching to get done.  There is a lot on my list, with several involving the dogs.  Luckily, many are linked to each other, so working on one can help with another.  Anyways, here is my 2014 Goals list:

  • Get outside and exercise more, this hiking GPS is not going to go on adventures by itself.
  • Actually get off my butt and work on a means of making money from home; if I can get something established even as just a supplemental income to another job, then moving to another state will be an easier transition.
  • Take Tetsu, and possibly one of the other pups, to a few Barn Hunt Matches/Trials. I really think he would be awesome at it and with several matches/trials happening within a 2hr drive it is very doable.
  • Attend, and possibly sign up for, a few dryland mushing races. Getting out there to meet mushers and gain more experience for both me and Titan, even if we run at a snails pace there will still be a lot gained.
  • I know I said this last year, but I really want to get Tikaani his WPD title (and Titan as well now). Just another great reason to get out there and exercise.
  • Figure out a special activity I can do with Miyu. Her hips and attitude really limit what she can do, even though she can have the desire to do it.
  • Do more art, I miss doing it and haven't really done any since we bought the house as there really isn't a comfortable place to do any.
  • Organize reptile room to make a designated art corner and upgrade the caging I don't like to caging I do.
  • Hang out and meet up with the friends I've been missing or wanting to meet in person (for the first or millionth time).

  Likelihood is that I will be adding more to the list as the day goes by, but for now it is what it is.  Here's to hoping that 2014 will be an awesome year!